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This is not a series of works, but they are connected by the period of time in which they were made: my university years. All those paintings and experiences shaped the way I work today, as they are the pillars of my knowledge in the field of art.

Cristian Ungureanu, Vice-Rector, Associate Professor PhD – “George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iași, Romania

Bianca Boroș combines techniques of traditional painting with the ludic experiments of postmodern art

Aware of the vast and complex dimension of the spirit of our time, marked by the revolution of new digital technologies, by genetic engineering, global social, political and cultural changes, Bianca Boroş explores the concept of pictoriality approaching two major paths, which she combines in an inspired doctoral research platform. Both the main thematic veins and the traditional techniques of painting are catalogued and analyzed chronologically in order to be related to what the second path represents, namely the officially recognized archive of pictorial experimentation, which defines modernity and the very recent period. Already during her BA studies, and especially in the MA dissertation, defended in June 2017 within the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design of the “George Enescu” National University of Arts of Iaşi, Bianca Boroş thoroughly constructed a method of researching the phenomenon of contemporary pictoriality, a hybrid painting contaminated with influences from the most different fields of knowledge and human activity.

This academic and rigorous dimension of her research is supported by a lyrical vocation of the observation and representation of the phenomena that describe the contemporary artistic reality, a quality that is manifested by her remarkable propensity for unusual chromatic harmonies, which take place in an extensive register – ranging from dark and telluric chords to the diaphanous and musical sensitivity of European neo-symbolism.

The direct experience with the works of the great galleries and museums of Europe, on the occasion of the exhibitions in which she participated, and the research stages undertaken in Paris, Vienna, Madrid, Murcia, Venice etc., opened her horizon and shaped her capacity to develop theoretical introspections on the topic of the emergence and becoming of European picturality but also the ludic spirit of the superposing and remixing of the most varied pictorial processes and techniques. Technological formulas taken from domains totally detached from the classical area of ​​easel painting are used as an opportunity to create spectacular visual effects and also surprising conceptual configurations, immediately connected to the visual awareness of the generation of the internet and all forms of globalized digital communication. The internship of several months that Bianca Boroș undertook within the Faculty of Visual Arts of the University of Murcia, Spain, amplified the poetic sense of her painting, imbued with the strong contrast and saturated colors of the Mediterranean. A powerful historical imprint on her artistic conscience has been left by the great cultural-artistic centers of Italy, during the projects deployed in Venice and Bologna, cities where the history of the past chapters of art is just as lively as the presence of the innovative spirit. It might be this the reason why Bianca has been invited to participate in December 2017 in the Biennale of Contemporary Art MArteLive of Rome. Paying attention to the visible or sometimes very discreet phenomena of paradigm shifts, Bianca Boroş' pictorial-theoretical and practical research will acquire a consistent trajectory during the elaboration of the doctoral thesis dedicated to this topic, a research that was initiated in October 2017 within the “George Enescu” National University of Arts of Iaşi. A favorable framework is, of course, ensured by the scholarship awarded by the Romanian Cultural Institute, that Bianca held at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, a place designed for the meeting of young professional artists from around the world, with completely different and individualized visions and pictorial experiences.

The curiosity, talent, passion and determination demonstrated by Bianca Boroş in her theoretical studies are, therefore, reflected and extended in her surprising pictorial results, these being aspects which lead me to asserting – together with all those who know and appreciate her – that she will write a consistent and important page in the open book of modern and contemporary painting.

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