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  • Academic Retrospective

    Academic Retrospective (46)

    This is not a series of works, but they are connected by the period of time in which they were made: my university years. All those paintings and experiences shaped the way I work today, as they are t...
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  • Confluence

    Confluence (9)

    The series ‘’Confluence’’ is a gift from a younger, more recent generation for the golden generation. ‘’Confluence’’ aims to evoke the Jassy Jewish life of a time long past. Jewish...
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  • Connection

    Connection (16)

    The ’’Connection’’ series started out of love for beings who cannot speak, but express so many emotions from their life stories, true stories from which each of us has a lesson to learn. Relev...
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  • Water, the spirit of time

    Water, the spirit of time (12)

    ’’Water: the spirit of time - Venetian fragments’’ Series, 2019, Galleria di I.R.C.C.U., Venice and U.A.P. Gallery "Victoria " In this series I try to capture beautiful Venice through the f...
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