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I’m Bianca Boroș, a romanian artist who loves working with experimental painting techniques and mixed media. Regarding the subjects I approach, they differ very much from one project to another, as I can find inspiration in every little thing. Currently, I work at the George Enescu National University of Arts (Iassy, Romania) as an University Assistant, while completing my PhD studies.

Piece Of Academic Retrospective Entitled Selfportrait
Some of my art
Venetian Fragments. First Picture
Piece Of Academic Retrospective Entitled Romanian Forest
A brief timeline of my life as an artist
  • 2020 – full member of the Romanian Fine Arts Union
  • Jan. 2020 – winner of the Fresh Art Comepetition, held by the Elite Art Gallery, Bucharest
  • 2019 – received the golden medal at the Euroinvent – european exhibition for creativity and innovation, Jassy, Romania
  • Oct. 2018 – present – University Assistant at the George Enescu National University of Arts, Jassy, Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, specializing in Fine Arts – Painting
  • Nov. 2017 – Jan. 2018 Constantin Brâncuși Residency granted by the Romanian Cultural Institute of Bucharest within Cité Internationale des Arts of Paris, France
  • Oct. 2017 – started PhD studies at the George Enescu National University of Fine Arts, Jassy, Faculty of Vizual Arts and Design, specialization: Fine Arts, Painting
  • May 2017 – Involvement in the first edition of the International Scenography Masterclass, at FAVD – UNAGE Jassy, professors being Umberto di Nino and Alessandro Zicoschi from Accademia di Belle Arti, L’Aquila, Italy, followed by the staging of the scenography of Sandros, a play by Katalin Thuróczy and directed by Cristi Avram; performed at the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater, Jassy, Romania
  • 2017, Received first prize for painting, Bellaria exhibition, Jassy, Romania
  • 2017, Received the Youth Award for painting at the International Festival of Arts, Recycling, Therapies, Education, VIIth edition, Jassy, 2017
  • 2015 – 2017 – Master student and Graduate of the George Enescu National University of Fine Arts, Jassy, Faculty of Vizual Arts and Design, specialization: Fine Arts, Painting
  • 2016 – Manager within the European Project BEE- Building Empowering Environment for Youth Employability-Approved Capacity Building, Bologna, Italy
  • 2012-2015 – Student and Graduate of the George Enescu National University of Fine Arts, Jassy, Faculty of Vizual Arts and Design, specialization: Fine Arts, Painting and also Psycho-pedagogical Modules I and II
  • 2014 – Erasmus Scholarship at the University of Murcia, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Spain
  • 2014 – Prize for painting, visual art exhibition Dragobete Art.Ro, IInd edition, Jassy
  • 2013 – Atelier 35 Debut Award for painting, Romanian Fine Arts Union, Jassy branch
  • 2008-2012 – Student and Graduate of National Fine Arts College Octav Băncilă, Jassy, Romania
Other achievements and experiences
  • Passed the Cambridge Advanced test; basic language skills in Italian, Spaish and French.
  • Had 12 personal artistic projects and exhibitions (with a few in the making), in: Jassy, Bucharest, Paris, Venezia, Tel Aviv.
  • Participated in over 50 projects, group or collective artistic exhibitions in: Bacău, Jassy, Târgoviște, Deva, Bucharest (Romania), Chișinău (Republic of Moldova), Murcia (Spain), Paris (France), Rome, Venice (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Bonn (Germany), Herzliya (Israel).
  • Participated in art camps in Romania (Tabăra de creație Dragomirești, Școala de peisaj contemporan de la Iași, Tabăra Piața Unirii, Piața Artelor, Retezat – International Art Symposium).
  • Participated in projects with European funding, some of which are B.E.E. Building Empowering for Youth Employability and Creative Europe- REFRESH – Young Artists Refreshing Heritage Sites.
  • Had papers in conferences and colloquies in national and international presentations (War and Art – At the Ends of Human Living: The Disintegration of the Human in War and in the Arts, Prezentarea multimedială a remixării operelor de artă, în Muzeele secolului al XXI-lea. Soluții inovative privind medierea artistică în muzee și avantajele noilor tehnologii în amenajarea muzeală).
  • Had TV appearances in art talk shows or for the regional TV journal, promoting her works.
  • Spent a few years doing volunteer work in different organisations in Jassy and also working as a Reenactor.
  • Won prizes in Romania for her artistic activity (a few mentioned above).
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